For Immediate Release – San Diego CA
The National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) has bestowed their highest honor on John and Martha King, Co-Chairmen of King Schools. NAFI Chairman Bob Meder presented the Jack J. Eggspuehler Service Award to John and Martha at the annual NAFI Member Breakfast at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
The Jack J. Eggspuehler Service Award is named for the NAFI founder and is given to deserving members, industry leaders and/or organizations that have performed great services for NAFI in benefit of its members. Jack Eggspuehler, a member of the Flight Instructor Hall of Fame, served as president of NAFI for more than 30 years.
Martha King said, “We are honored to be included in such distinguished company. The previous award winners are movers and shakers in the aviation community. NAFI plays a critical role by supporting the flight instructors who mentor our future pilots. Being chosen by this group of peers is very special.”
“Previous award winners have made great contributions to aviation,” added John King, “and to be included in that group is humbling. As Martha said, CFIs set the tone for the entire aviation community. For more than 50 years, NAFI has been at the heart of the flight instructor community. They have played a vital role in coaching instructors on how to teach risk management. We are thrilled to be supporters of NAFI, and to be honored by them.”
Bob Meder, Chairman of NAFI, explained what went into the decision to present the Kings the Eggspuehler Service Award. “The Kings’ passion for flying led them to start King Schools in 1975. Their work, first flying their own plane to give in-person seminars, then teaching through VHS tapes and DVDs and eventually providing courses online, has revolutionized flight training. Just as important has been the Kings’ commitment to improving aviation safety. They’re prolific writers, have given countless live talks, served on many FAA committees, and their personal candor about their flying experiences has helped countless pilots learn and improve. They were perfect candidates to receive this distinguished award.”
About The National Association of Flight Instructors
NAFI’s purpose is to establish and promote a high level of professionalism among aviation educators and to provide recognition for their contributions to aviation safety, education and training. NAFI members teach in more than 30 countries in flight schools, universities, FBOs, corporate flight departments, the military and as independent flight instructors. Founded in 1967, NAFI works with industry and government to help shape the direction of flight training and to serve as a voice for flight instruction. For more information about NAFI or the NAFI Master Instructor program call 866-806-6156 or visit www.NAFINet.org.
About King Schools
For over 40 years, students and pilots at all levels have enjoyed King Schools´ clear, simple and fun video courses. King Schools estimates that over 50% of the pilots flying in the U.S. today have learned with King. The company is also a leader in on-line pilot training from Private Pilot to ATP and beyond, including certification and avionics training for pilots of high-performance and turbine aircraft.